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  • RaisingGoodHumans

The Public Library.

I'm not a good reader. I get instantly overwhelmed by the length of a book, and it's almost 100% guaranteed I'm going to fall asleep while trying to read, but I LOVE the library. We stopped at the library today so Isla could play, and I could try and get some studying done. We walked though the doors at 11:50a and were told we were the first ones to come since it opened at 10am. On a rainy, cold New England Friday morning NOONE had gone to the library. Why don't people take advantage of a brand new, clean, beautiful space filled with FREE entertainment? A space to explore, read, play, and meet other people? A FREE destination to go when your kids are driving you crazy and destroying your house. A place filled with storytimes, music classes, Lego clubs, puzzles, trains, toys, puppets and playgroups. A place which provides adults and kids the opportunity to visit museums and parks for cheap or even FREE with discount passes. A safe environment where kids can learn to share, learn to say hello, and interact with REAL people. It's a place that provides an unplanned opportunity for moms and dads, nana and papas, babysitters and nannies to share their morning struggles and triumphs, and hold them over until nap time. Our lives are busy, and only getting busier, but we must take the time to slow down some days.You don't have to stay all day, you don't have to stay long, but put down the electronics, finish your errands later, and fold the laundry when you get home. Take advantage of the FREE opportunities within your community to connect with people, it's easier than you think, and maybe you'll love it too.

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