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  • RaisingGoodHumans

Being a Good Teammate.

Fourth grade. A year in which kids still like school, still like eachother, and haven't yet divided into boys and girls lunch tables. They haven't started middle school heart throbs, mean girls, or smelling really bad. They've spent 5 years together, but may have started to find their own interests, their own hobbies, and their own passions. It's their first time for many to move on from recreation level town sports, and on to a more competitive travel leagues. Growing up in a small town, it's the first time for many to see kids who are better than them. It's the first time they really celebrate the hardwork of a win, have to swallow a loss, and go home without a participation trophy. Liam's team lost two weeks ago in the playoffs, but his team was asked to scrimmage the 4th grade girls basketball team who has advanced to the state tournament this weekend. When I picked him up, I saw 20+ fourth graders, boys and girls, working hard in that gym. I saw parents, older siblings, younger siblings, coaches, and coaches without kids on either team, there supporting these girls. None of the boys or their coaches had to be there, but they were. They could have just gone through the motions, goofed off, or not shown up, but they didn't. They played hard, challenged the girls, and played until the end. Liam's team may not have made it far in the tournament or gone home with a participation trophy, but they played like they did. Luckily for these kids, they've got parents, coaches, teachers, and community volunteers who have helped them learn that sometimes, despite your own hard work, it's not about your own success, but more about the success of those around you.

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